Listening to Alvvays

Listening to Alvvays
Listening to what my heart says
Watching it closely 
What’s going on
The news doesn`t sit well with anyone
Who starts a new war
In the middle of an ongoing one?

Who opens wholes in the sinking ship
Without lifelines
Love’s on life support
Sanity on sale
What’s your Hegelian dilemma for today?
Get extensions, silicone or
Cut your hair?
Can`t extend your brain.
Such a shame.

Go to the country
Maybe start over
Cause everybody is going crazy
Over here
While the rats are swimming
Dirges for everyone

Finding life on Mars
Running around 
In their electric cars
With batteries up their ass

Theory or not
It’s right before our eyes
And what are we waiting for?


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Френк Херберт - Човек који нас учи да мислимо својом главом